
See this tutorial(led by Yvette Lin) for details on how to use the ehtim package to create your own black hole measurements.

Caltech Computational Cameras Lab: October 2019 - Present

I currently work in the Caltech Computational Cameras Lab, and I am advised by Prof. Katherine Bouman. My current project is developing variation methods to solve blind inverse problems. I am working on applying my methods to real world applications, such as seismology.

Seismogram Reconstruction

AI Powered Inline Cardiac Strain Mapping in Gadgetron on MR Scanners: June 2019 - Aug 2019

I was a summer intern at the NIH NHLBI under the supervision of Dr. Peter Kellman and Dr. Hui Xue. My project focused on computing myocardial strain from cardiac MR scans. I used DenseUNets to segment myocardial tissue for strain calculations and developed an algorithm to calculate the myocardial strain from cardiac MR scans in C++.

Cardiac Strain Map

Single Shot Illumination Souce Separation: Jan 2018 - May 2019

I worked in the Image Science Lab under the supervision of Prof. Aswin Sankaranarayan. My project focused on illumination source separation from a single image using physics-motivated deep neural network architectures. The goal was to learn the components of the image formation model: albedo, reflectivity, and shading.

3D Reconstruction of Sonorines Using Photometric Stero: June 2017 - Aug 2017

I workd in with Prof. Adam Finklestein and Prof. Szymon Rusinkiweicz to develop photometric stereo methods. The goal of my project was to develop a method to reconstruct the 3D shape of sonorines, a delicate plaster record. Here’s a section of the 3D reconstruction